Pop of Color

Most people have their own favorite color. Some chose to stay on neutral colors such as white, gray, and nude which falls for a classy style. These colors are best worn for a more formal occasions.. On the other hand, some people prefer bright colors such as yellow, red, orange, blue, pink, etc. These colors portray a more cheery outfit. It is usually worn during summer or other fun occasions.

Based on my observation, people tend to wear one shade with their whole outfit. An all-black, all-white, all-pink, red, or violet usually do. Although this can be a safe choice when sporting an outfit, there are times that I find it a bit mundane. Hence, I usually add a pop of color! :)) This formula is where you add one contrasting color on your outfit. This term is usually reserved for vibrant colors. 

This is actually one of my favorite formula when sporting a look. I usually wear a more basic colors such as black or white then add a bit of contrasting color.. 

For this look, since more often than not, I wore more of jeans and shirts, I chose to take a break from those and sport this skater skirt with black top. I also wear a necklace to accentuate my plain tops. Then, lastly, wore the red doll shoes to make a dimension of interest on my simple outfit! After all, it's summer! Make yourself pop from the crowd! :P

How about you? What's your formula in sporting an outfit? ((:


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